World Peace? Universal Love?

Many clowns don’t think these things are possible, but after many years of bumbling around  intense study Micko has figured things out. Sort of.

Micko has some ideas about how we can create a world of Peace and Love over many generations, and Micko hopes that a small number of clowns are open-minded enough to help test those ideas. 

Micko doesn’t want clowns to jump on the bandwagon and accept these ideas without critical thought. Micko wants to work with clowns who are willing to consider possibilities with an open, but critical mind.

Micko is especially interested in young clowns, and parents, and teachers, because the key to creating a World of Love will be how we help young clowns learn to guide their Love Flow.

How about you? Are you willing to challenge any limiting beliefs you have? Are you willing to check out Micko’s ideas to see if they make sense to you?

Mentally check the box that fits your open-mindedness:

[] Not interested, clowns will never change.

[]  I’ll check out Micko’s ideas and open my mind to the possibility to a World of Love.


Clowns for Peace