Chapter 4: The Love Cop
BumbleBee feels really excited about BumbleBee’s experiences sharing love with these other clowns…it makes BumbleBee feel really good inside.
But BumbleBee also has self-doubts about what people are saying…“The Love Cop”?
BumbleBee? A super-hero? Really?
BumbleBee began to have fears about making a fool of BumbleBee in front of the whole world!
Then, after a lot of soul-searching, BumbleBee thought “So what? I already make a fool of myself all the time!”
And then BumbleBee thought “Why not me?”
So BumbleBee starts thinking about a super-hero outfit. A mask? A cape? A super-charged clown car?
What colors?
Where would I get an outfit?
What about a super-hero symbol like other super-heros have?
BumbleBee decides to go through BumbleBee’s closet for stuff to make a super-hero outfit.
BumbleBee finds some hats but none of them feel right.
ten gallon hat
rich old English, plume
3 muskateers
fireman’s helmet
BumbleBee finds boots but none of them feel right either.
fishing waders
The closest thing to a cape that BumbleBee finds is a lace shawl and again that doesn’t feel quite right.
And BumbleBee also finds an a mask….
Then, at the very bottom of the closet BumbleBee finds the perfect Love Cop outfit
(not show it yet? how to handle this?
So BumbleBee starts pondering…other super-heros always have a signiture symbol on their chest…what sort of symbol would work for BumbleBee?
Has an idea! Gets out paints and starts drawing the symbol on his new Love Cop outfit!
Just image?
Standing, front view
looking at symbol
spilled paint
Chapter 5: The Grand Poo-Pah calls a press conference
Meanwhile, Clown World is still in a major panic. Helpers around the planet struggle with decision to stop helping efforts or not. And of course clowns in withdrawl due to losing their LoveyDovey platform, and are worrying about maybe losing all social media.
The Grand Poo-Pah of Clown Nation sets up a press conference to introduce The Love Cop to the world.
Chapter 6: The MischiefWizard sends another message
The MischiefWizard sends another message and gives BumbeBee a challenge.
I saw your stupid press conference. That’s some super-hero you’ve found there, can’t even keep from bumbling around, that’s why the nick-name BumbleBee isn’t it? And that silly pink bunny outfit, is that the best you can do?
Well, here’s a challenge for your super-hero. I’m going to be at the Peace and Love Peace Faire this weekend doing some mischief. See if you can stop me Love Cop!
Chapter 7: At the Peace and Love Faire
That weekend, at the World Peace Fair at city hall, BumbleBee is there on guard, walking around looking for The MischiefWizard.
goofy booths Clown antic materials? Can combine-2 booths per image…
-Pies, …-seltzer bottles, lapel flower squirters,
-kick me hard stickers,…-banana peels, tomatoes
-fake guns (bang), fake vomit, fake poop, real vomit or poop extra $
BumbleBee stops a moment, feels wonderful cameraderie with all theses clowns doing their part to make the world better…
Image: eyes closed, tears, hearts
sees pick-pocket
starts feeling compassion
BumbleBee hears some mischievous sounding giggling and knows it’s the MischiefWizard. BumbleBee follows the sound of the giggling down some stairs, through several corridors, and sees a storage room.
In the storage room BumbleBee sees many pet carriers with cute little dogs in each one. And there is a note….it is from the MischiefWizard:
Dear Love Cop,
I have seen the error of my ways and I’m going to stop doing mischief. As a sign of good faith I have brought all these cute little therapy dogs for other clowns to enjoy. Please let them out of the pet carriers and bring them to the clowns at the Peace and Love Faire!
The MischiefWizard.
And that is what BumbleBee did.
And wouldn’t you know it, clowns took pictures and they went viral on the remaining social media.
[use same image on cell phone screen]
Chapter 8: The MischiefWizard sends BumbleBee a new challenge
Dear Love Cop,
I was just kidding about changing my ways, Ha Ha!
You are such a fool!
You and the rest of the clowns don’t know how cruel life can be for clowns like me! To be so lonely, so misunderstood, and isolated from other clowns!
So those other clowns think you can deal with me! You don’t even know the difference between skunks and “cute little therapy dogs!”
I’ll tell you what though….in order to make it fair, since I’m obviously way smarter than you, I’ll give you a clue to help you find me….
Come to my dark and dingy lair,
But only if you dare,
You are welcome to snoop,
But beware of animal poop
That you’ll find here and there.
So BumbleBee is thinking…”dark, dingy lair….animal poop”…where could the MischiefWizard be hiding where it’s dark and dingy and there’s animal poop?
BumbleBee gets it: A basement! That’s it! A basement in a house! Dark and dingy, for sure.
But Bumblebee wonders…..animal poop? MMMMMM…maybe…could be rats in a basement.
But then BumbleBee reconsiders…thinking it was too easy to figure out, and that The MischiefWizard is way smarter than BumbleBee….so it can’t be a basement…but where else is it dark and dingy with animal poop?
BumbleBee remembers the old circus farm, where they used to keep the circus animals before they got in trouble for animal abuse. BumbleBee went there on a school field trip years ago to watch the animals be taken to the new Wildlife Sanctuary. Maybe that’s where the MischiefWizard is hiding.
So BumbleBee is sure: The MischiefWizard is hiding in a basement!
So BumbleBee goes to the old circus barn. It is still there, like BumbleBee remembers. BumbleBee can smell the animal poop smells, like before. The smells seem to be fresh.
BumbleBee is confident BumbleBee has figured out where the MischiefWizard is hiding.
As BumbleBee gets closer to the barn BumbleBee can hear noises from inside. Now BumbleBee is more sure the MischiefWizard is inside!
BumbleBee starts sneaking in through the barn door.
Image: sneaking through door
sees some cats, so cute, nice feelings of warmth…
The animal poop smells are very bad inside. It is filthy inside and BumbleBee can hardly stand the stench. But BumbleBee also begins to feel compassion for the MischiefWizard because The MischiefWizard has to live in these conditions.
BumbleBee wants so bad to give the MischiefWizard a big hug and share his Love, so he is getting ready to leap at the MischiefWizard as soon as BumbleBee sees The MischiefWizard.
Image: sneaking, more inside, first hearts
It’s dark, but BumbleBee sees movement close to him so BumbleBee leaps!
Image: leaps, hugs pig? lots of hearts Pig surprised
Next image: both with hearts, BumbleBee surprised? Sees it’s a pig. Pig is joyfull
Turns out the old circus baarn was bought by a pig farmer.
It also turns out that a reporter from the Clown Gazette had been following BumbleBee and took a great photo of the final scene.
And of course, after it was published in the Clown Gazette it went viral on social media.
Image: the Gazette, with image and headline…The Love Cop sharing Love with a pig!
Chapter 9: The MischiefWizard sends BumbleBee another new challenge
Dear Love Cop
I love the pic of you and your lovely pig friend, very touching.
But I guess you are dumber than I thought.
I’m so frustrated that a clown as dumb as you is getting so much praise, while I’m here in my dark and dingy lair, alone except for my pet cat and of course the rats, falling deeper into depression.
Here is another clue for you, numskull:
Come see my pad,
it’s not all that bad.
You’ll find lots of trash
But not much pinache-
I guess that’s pretty sad.
The MischiefWizard
BumbleBee thinking…OK…lots of trash…where could The MischiefWizard hide where there is lots of trash…
But BumbleBee wonders: What the heck is pinache? So BumbleBee looks it up on the Internet:
it means “flamboyant confidence of style or manner”. So The MischiefWizard doesn’t think the MischiefWizard has flamboyant confidence of style or manner…and the MischiefWizard feels alone and is sinking into deeper depression.
BumbleBee starts to feel tremendous compassion for this tortured clown.
Image: BumbleBee weeping a bit, lots of hearts.
BumbleBee is now more determined than ever to find The MischiefWizard and share his Love.
So BumbleBee starts to focus….trash….lots of trash…and the rats…Of course, BumbleBee thinks, The MischiefWizard is hiding at the city dump!
So BumbleBee goes to the city dump. And the smells are as bad here as they were in the old circus barn. BumbleBee wonders where The MischiefWizard could be hiding.
Image: BB looking at dump. Frig, stove, car, bulldozer, shack in background.
BumbleBee looks in an old refrigerator, but The MischiefWizard is not there. BumbleBee looks behind an old stove, but The MischiefWizard is not there, BumbleBee looks in an old car, but The MischiefWizard is not there either.
Image: looking inside car.
BumbleBee hears noises…sounds like coming from around that bulldozer.
BB begins to approach the bulldozer and begins to feel compassion for The MischiefWizard having to live in the city dump.
BB sneaks up on bulldozer, more compassion, more hearts, wants to share his love, ready to leap….
Image: BB beginning to look behind dozer…
Image: Just a family of raccoons scrounging for food.
tears, so cute…hearts
BB hears more noises…maybe from that shack…
Sneaks up, hearts, wants to share love
ready to leap…hearts..wants to share love…leaps…
last image (first hug) and this one (beaar joy, BB surprise)…try to get one center on block
Wouldn’t you know it, that reporter again followed BB and got another great photo that was again printed in the Clown Gazette and then again went viral!