Action groups

-loosly based on a type of research call Action research

Mickos ideas
Group of like-minded clowns forming a group to increase Love Flow and make world better.
No rules, but guidelines:
-Together talk about group’s purpose, goals and how the group wants to proceed
-Collaboration; everyone encouraged to participate
-Effective communication: expression of ideas and ability to listen
-One goal should be increased Love Flow of each group member as well as the group itself and of course for those clowns who are being helped

Intervention cycle
-Establish purpose and goals, how to proceed, and how to measure outcomes
-Monitor outcomes
-Emphasize all positive outcomes, for individuals, group, and group actions
-Decide to revise methods (or goals) or continue as is
-Continue cycle.

Helping young clowns and teen clowns create and implement their own Action group:
-Parents, teachers, or other adult clowns facilitate
-Scaffolding: help as needed, but foster independence
-Honor the guidelines stated above



Clowns for Peace