The flow of Love: Being Love.

Half a century ago BeingLove (Abraham Maslow) talked about  a special type of Love. In fact, BeingLove’s ideas about clown potential have been the biggest influence on Micko’s ideas.

BeingLove defined being-love (B-love) as love for the being of another clown-an unneeding and unselfish love-as contrasted with deficit love (D-love), which is more needing and selfish.

BeingLove says that B-love is completely enjoyed, non-possessive, admiring of the other, and is practically always pleasurable. B-love is a “richer, ‘higher,’ more valuable subjective experience than D-love (which all B-lovers have also previously experienced). 

Furthermore, B-lovers are more independent of each other, more autonomous, less jealous or threatened, less needful, yet they are more eager to help the other clown toward self-actualization.

See also LoveBlossoms’s discussion of Love here.

Clowns for Peace