Personal profile

Hey clown, on this site you can create a personal profile after you have
joined the Clowns for Peace Movement!

You can access you profile from the “Howdy” drop down menu in the
top right of your screen.

You will see several terms on your profile that you can click to get to.

Profile-This item is not the first item in your profile but Micko hasn’t
figured out how to change the order-there are ways to do this but it
involves inserting code into the coding of the website and Micko is
afraid of messing things up.

——View profile-This allows you to view your profile.

——Edit profile-This allows you to create and revise your profile. There are
several items you can choose to put in your profile:

——Your clown name: This is actually required. There are some suggestions
how to create a great clown name for yourself in the main menu/Clowns
for Peace Community/Create your own clown name.

——Your age: This is also required, due to child privacy laws.

——Your location: This is not required but it is recommended if you want
other members with similar interests and location to be able to find you.
On the Member directory page, under Clowns for Peace community on the
main menu, there is a search function that allows members to search for
other members with similar interests and location.

——Change profile photo-You can post and change your profile pic. There are
some suggestions how to create a great clown pic for yourself in the main
menu/Clowns for Peace Community/Create your own clown name.

——Change cover image-You can post and change a background image.

——My ways of spreading my Love-Here is where you can explain how you
spread your love-in your own words and images. This is optional but it might
be good for your self-esteem to put this stuff in your profile, and it is a way
for you to share with others. It’s also a way for you and others to search for
others who share their love in similar ways.
Micko has set up your profile headings about this as “Ways I spread my
love with myself, with other clowns and with my world” and “Ways I’d like to
explore of spreading my Love with myself, with other clowns”. Of course you
don’t have to do it the same way here, after all it’s your profile, but Micko’s
feelings will be hurt if you don’t. You will see what we call your clown editor:
you can enter text, add images by clicking “Add media”, and do lots of other
things too! The important thing is you can share how you spread your Love
with the rest of us clowns! Don’t forget the part about spreading your Love
to yourself! This is extremely important!

——Ways of spreading my Love I’d like to explore in the future-this is similar
to how you spread your Love now, only it allows you to share how you might
explore other ways of spreading your life in the future! It’s a sort of “positive
affirmation” type of thing!

——Ways my Clown troupe are spreading our Love-Here is where you can
share how you and other clowns in your troupe share your Love, such as in any
projects you do to help yourselves, other clowns, and Clown Nation as a whole.

——Sharing on the “Clowns spreading their Love” stream. This stream includes
posts that clowns share showing examples of clowns spreading their love. It’s
similar to “Activity streams” but it’s all about spreading Love. Some posts can
be stuff from the Internet, but what’s really cool is that you and other clowns
on our site can post stuff about the ways clowns on our site spread our Love!
Micko encourages all clowns to post on this stream. The stream is on the main
menu “Clowns spreading their love”, and there are two ways you can post on
the stream: you can post directly from your profile or you can post on the
submenu “submitting to clowns spreading their Love”.

Activity-This is your status stream, where you can post silly stuff. There are
buttons that will show you mentions, your favorites, stuff your friends have
posted, and stuff members of your groups have posted. You will see a drop
down menu that allows you to determine what you want to share.

Projects-This is where you can share any projects you and your troupe are
engaged in, such as teaching other clowns the best ways to squirt seltzer down pants.

Notifications-These notifications will tell you when you’ve received
messages, etc. You can click to read and to delete.

Messages-Your messages are here. You can search messages and you can “flag”
messages you feel are inappropriate, and Micko will check them out.

Friends-Here your friends will be listed.

Groups-Here your groups will be listed. You can leave group here if you want.
You can also create your own group here! And Micko encourages you to to that!
You and your troupe can create specific action projects, as many as you want!
This provides a nice, simple structure to plan and organize a troupe action project,
including setting time frames for tasks, who is assigned to tasks, etc. This can be
especially valuable if you are working with young clowns and want to help them
learn to plan, follow through, problem solve, take personal responsibility, experience
creative autonomy, collaborate with other clowns etc.
You can view your current projects or create a new project in any of your groups,
by clicking “Projects”.
Micko encourages you to share your project with other clowns on our site on our
“Clowns spreading their love” stream. You can do this directly from your personal
profile or on Main menu: Clowns spreading their love/Submit to Clowns spreading
their Love.

Forums-We have a Clowns for Peace Forum on the main menu. Any clown is
invited to join discussions! Any topics you have started in will be listed here.


——Email-You can set up emails to tell you when you get a message, etc.

——Profile visibility-Your clown name is visible to everyone, but you can make
all other info either visible to everyone, only yourself, only members, or only
your friends. This includes your age, interests and other info, as well as ways
you share your Love now, ways you would like to share your Love in the
future, and various check boxes, select boxes, radio buttons, etc.

——Export data-Due to privacy concerns you can request that your personal data
is exported to you.

——Delete account-You can delete your account at any time, but just remember,
watch out for banana peels in your path for the rest of your life…clowns have
long memories.

