Create your own upward spiral, Clown!
Micko, in Micko’s Plan…how upward spirals fit into the Plan
- In this section: how to create your own upward spiral
- For yourself
- For your group
- Help your kids and students or others create their upward spiral
- Spiral intervention cycle
- Elements of cycle
- Goal(s)
- Set goals you want to achieve
- Plan
- Determine what your initial plan will be
- What will you do?
- How will you measure progress?
- Act
- Take first steps toward goal
- Review
- Review outcomes
- Positive
- Not so positive
- Expected?
- Unexpected?
- Accentuate the Positive
- Focus on positive outcomes
- Validate yourself and others involved for efforts
- Revise
- Revise plan as needed
- Cycle process
- Start simple; can get more complex as you proceed
- Fuzzy research: being vague and uncertain at first is a good thing;
- more open to possibilities, less rigid
- Go with the flow….
- You will find more clarity as you move forward with your intervention cycle