About this site
Hey clowns, we now have 17 members, why not join?
This is a social networking website for us clowns that buy into the notion that we can
make our world better and in the process of creating a better world be happier. This is Synergy.
Micko believes that we can create a world of Peace and Love over the upcoming generations.
So this site includes the standard social networking things like personal profiles, messaging, friends, creating or joining groups, engaging in forums, sharing to social media, a stream of “Clowns spreading their Love” posts by you and other clowns, and other goofy stuff.
Several parts of this site are in “To be continued mode” and will be added to on an ongoing basis:
- The History of the Clowns for Peace Movement, by Professor ZoZo, emeritus equi gluteus maximus.
- The Flow of Love
- Share your Love: Ways you can spread your love to yourself, others, and our world.
- (??? The importance of parent, teacher, and child caregiver clowns in our path to World Peace.
This site is a work-in-progress and Micko wants your help! Check out the menu tab “Help make this
site better” for ways you can help Micko! Micko is kind of a bumbler and really does need your help!
To learn more about different things on the site click the panels below, or it’ll be a pie in the face for you!.
To change language: 1. Go to top of main menu on Homepage,
2. Click "Select language",
3. Click your language from drop-down menu.
In this section I explain my plan for creating world peace.
First, I will help you spread your Love to yourself, which is sort of like when my Then I will help you learn more ways to spread your Love to others. After that, we will talk about ways you can spread your Love to our world. Pretty simple, really. Micko and BowWowIn this section I will explain how each and every one of you clowns can make our
world better by spreading your Love.
doggie friend BowWow chases BowWow's tail.
But how many of you know anything about the history of our movement? We are proud to present the very first, unabridged History of the Clowns for Peace Movement. This brilliant work has been researched and documented by our own Professor ZoZo. Professor ZoZo, although brilliant, is not a fast processor, so we will be presenting his To view the History of the Clowns for Peace Movement go here We hope you enjoy it! Micko and BowWowMost of you clowns are now realizing that this Clowns for Peace Movement is
a real force in our world and is bringing us closer to a time when we all Love one another.
work in small increments, over time.
(link to home page or separate page, which then links to page 2?)
Your kids are the key to World Peace! After many, many years of And therefore, parents, teachers, kid caregivers, and even the rest of Micko says it’s so simple: To learn more go to https://clownsforpeace.org/parent-and-teacher-alert-your-kids-are-the-key-to-world-peace/bumbling around intense study, Micko has
determined that our kids are the key to World Peace.
us clowns play a huge role in helping kids understand the impact they
have in the way our world gets better.
All we have to do is help our kids learn to spread their love.
Create your own upward spiral, Clown! Micko, in Micko’s Plan...how upward spirals fit into the Plan
Clowns spreading our Love
On the main menu you will find a topic "Clowns spreading their Love". On this page you will find a stream of examples of clowns spreading their Some of the posts are videos, some are other media examples, and some You can join the discussion about any post by clicking the title. In the submenu you can see a gallery of the posts other clowns have posted. You, too, can add to this stream, by going to main menu/Clowns sharing But please clowns, this is not for your personal status posts-you can do that This stream is for you to post ways you are spreading your Love. You can also Micko and BowWow
Love by helping others--helping other clowns as well as other living things.
are personal examples of clowns in our movement who are helping others.
their Love/submit to Clowns sharing their Love, or you can post directly
from your personal profile!
in the "Activity section" of your profile.
share this on your personal profile. In your post you can explain the ways
you share your Love, as well as add pics or vids!
Clown antics–Let’s have some fun!
Professor ZoZo has been studying "clown potential" for Professor ZoZo's entire career To see today's tip from Professor Zozo go here. Professor ZoZo's tips are also on the main menu. We hope you clowns find these daily tips worthwhile! Micko and BowWow We are so proud of our in-house expert on all things, Professor ZoZo, and so honored
that Professor ZoZo has agreed to offer you clowns daily tips on living a happy and productive life.
and has accumulated a seemingly unlimited number of practical things each of us can
do to enrich our lives and the lives of others.
Clowning around network
Hey Clowns... Are you pretty good at learning how to navigate social sites Do you like to help other clowns? Please join the Troupe "The Geek Troupe" so you can work with Micko You will be supplied with pies and seltzer for your work helping Thanks so much! Micko After you register, whenever you log in you will see "Howdy" in the top right, Edit profile. Log out. Activity Profile Notifications Messages Friends Groups Portfolio: any projects you share with others Forums If you already have a personal avatar that goes with you on different If you choose to be boring and post a photo of yourself you are welcome HOWEVER, we encourage you to be creative and come up with a clown If you insist on being boring, you can create some silly user name like However, we encourage you to create your own unique and fun clown name It's very easy, and we offer suggestions to help you on the main menu Most clowns don't know that BowWow created BowWow's own name. Hey clown, on this site you can create a personal profile after you have You can access you profile from the "Howdy" drop down menu in the You will see several terms on your profile that you can click to get to. Profile-This item is not the first item in your profile but Micko hasn't ------View profile-This allows you to view your profile. ------Edit profile-This allows you to create and revise your profile. There are ------Your clown name: This is actually required. There are some suggestions ------Your age: This is also required, due to child privacy laws. ------Your location: This is not required but it is recommended if you want ------Change profile photo-You can post and change your profile pic. There are ------Change cover image-You can post and change a background image. ------My ways of spreading my Love-Here is where you can explain how you ------Ways of spreading my Love I'd like to explore in the future-this is similar ------Ways my Clown troupe are spreading our Love-Here is where you can ------Sharing on the "Clowns spreading their Love" stream. This stream includes Activity-This is your status stream, where you can post silly stuff. There are Projects-This is where you can share any projects you and your troupe are Notifications-These notifications will tell you when you've received Messages-Your messages are here. You can search messages and you can "flag" Friends-Here your friends will be listed. Groups-Here your groups will be listed. You can leave group here if you want. Forums-We have a Clowns for Peace Forum on the main menu. Any clown is Settings- ------Email-You can set up emails to tell you when you get a message, etc. ------Profile visibility-Your clown name is visible to everyone, but you can make ------Export data-Due to privacy concerns you can request that your personal data ------Delete account-You can delete your account at any time, but just remember, Go to the "Clowns for Peace Community" on the main menu, then "Member directory" . Any time you see a members clickable name, clicking it will take you In your profile go to "Messages", click "Compose". Go to the "Clowns for Peace Community" on the main menu, then "Member directory". Any time you see a clown's clickable name, clicking it will take you At the bottom of each page on this site you will see social network buttons You can also print the page or send it via email. There are other sharing options Micko could add-let Micko know if you have other favorites. Of course it's totally up to you if want to share or not, but Micko wants to warn you: Micko and BowWow There are several ways you can search for other clowns. Go to "Clowns for Peace Community" on main menu, then "Member directory". You can search for clowns by name in the smaller search field. You can also search for clowns who spread their Love in similar ways to the ways Or, go to "Search this site" on the main menu and you will find three search options: Clowns in our movement are creating their own groups on this site. Or, actually, they are creating their own "clown troupes". Troupe creators can determine the settings of their troupe. You are welcome to join "open troupes", but you won't be able to join BUT...you can create your own troupe and determine the settings of your Don't be shy! Start a clown troupe! On your troupe profile you will see a tab "Projects". You and your troupe can create Micko and BowWow After Clowns for Peace is fully online, we will be presenting monthly Micko Go to "Clowns for Peace Community" on main menu, then "Member directory". To the right you will see buttons to add them as friend. If the clown agrees Clicking a clown's name will take you to their profile, where you can send You can search for clowns by name in the smaller search field. You can also search for What's going on clown? Check out the Clowns for Peace Activity Stream! Micko
like Clowns for Peace?
to help other clowns who are having difficulty.
other clowns!
in the black bar, with your name. When you hover over "Howdy" a menu of
options will drop down. The options are:
-Change photo
-Change cover photo
-Site Notices
-Pending requests
-Create your own group!
Here you will see what forum topics you started, your replies, your
engagements, your favorite topics, and your subscribed topics.
When a clown subscribes to a topic, they should receive a new email of any
new replies in the topic. When a clown subscribes to a forum, they should
receive a new email of new topics that were created in the forum. When a clown
refuses to subscribe, another clown will put shaving cream in their shoes
online sites you are welcome to use it on this site.
to do that, in the spirit of free choice.
avatar of yourself. We provide some suggestions for doing this on the main
menu: Clowns for Peace Community/Creating your own clown avatar, and
also on your profile.
you do on other boring social networking platforms.
instead of a user name with no pizzazz.
(Clowns for Peace Community/Creating your own clown name), and also on your
BowWow kept saying it over and over and that's how it happened!
joined the Clowns for Peace Movement!
top right of your screen.
figured out how to change the order-there are ways to do this but it
involves inserting code into the coding of the website and Micko is
afraid of messing things up.
several items you can choose to put in your profile:
how to create a great clown name for yourself in the main menu/Clowns
for Peace Community/Create your own clown name.
other members with similar interests and location to be able to find you.
On the Member directory page, under Clowns for Peace community on the
main menu, there is a search function that allows members to search for
other members with similar interests and location.
some suggestions how to create a great clown pic for yourself in the main
menu/Clowns for Peace Community/Create your own clown name.
spread your love-in your own words and images. This is optional but it might
be good for your self-esteem to put this stuff in your profile, and it is a way
for you to share with others. It's also a way for you and others to search for
others who share their love in similar ways.
Micko has set up your profile headings about this as "Ways I spread my
love with myself, with other clowns and with my world" and "Ways I'd like to
explore of spreading my Love with myself, with other clowns". Of course you
don't have to do it the same way here, after all it's your profile, but Micko's
feelings will be hurt if you don't. You will see what we call your clown editor:
you can enter text, add images by clicking "Add media", and do lots of other
things too! The important thing is you can share how you spread your Love
with the rest of us clowns! Don't forget the part about spreading your Love
to yourself! This is extremely important!
to how you spread your Love now, only it allows you to share how you might
explore other ways of spreading your life in the future! It's a sort of "positive
affirmation" type of thing!
share how you and other clowns in your troupe share your Love, such as in any
projects you do to help yourselves, other clowns, and Clown Nation as a whole.
posts that clowns share showing examples of clowns spreading their love. It's
similar to "Activity streams" but it's all about spreading Love. Some posts can
be stuff from the Internet, but what's really cool is that you and other clowns
on our site can post stuff about the ways clowns on our site spread our Love!
Micko encourages all clowns to post on this stream. The stream is on the main
menu "Clowns spreading their love", and there are two ways you can post on
the stream: you can post directly from your profile or you can post on the
submenu "submitting to clowns spreading their Love".
buttons that will show you mentions, your favorites, stuff your friends have
posted, and stuff members of your groups have posted. You will see a drop
down menu that allows you to determine what you want to share.
engaged in, such as teaching other clowns the best ways to squirt seltzer down pants.
messages, etc. You can click to read and to delete.
messages you feel are inappropriate, and Micko will check them out.
You can also create your own group here! And Micko encourages you to to that!
You and your troupe can create specific action projects, as many as you want!
This provides a nice, simple structure to plan and organize a troupe action project,
including setting time frames for tasks, who is assigned to tasks, etc. This can be
especially valuable if you are working with young clowns and want to help them
learn to plan, follow through, problem solve, take personal responsibility, experience
creative autonomy, collaborate with other clowns etc.
You can view your current projects or create a new project in any of your groups,
by clicking "Projects".
Micko encourages you to share your project with other clowns on our site on our
"Clowns spreading their love" stream. You can do this directly from your personal
profile or on Main menu: Clowns spreading their love/Submit to Clowns spreading
their Love.
invited to join discussions! Any topics you have started in will be listed here.
all other info either visible to everyone, only yourself, only members, or only
your friends. This includes your age, interests and other info, as well as ways
you share your Love now, ways you would like to share your Love in the
future, and various check boxes, select boxes, radio buttons, etc.
is exported to you.
watch out for banana peels in your path for the rest of your life...clowns have
long memories.
Click the name of any member and you will go to their profile.
In their profile you can send a public message or a private message.
to their profile where you can message them.
Start entering clown's name...you will be offered a full name, if the name is
the clown you want to message, click it.
Write a subject, enter your message, send it.
Click the name of any clown and you will go to their profile.
In their profile you can add them as friend. If the clown accepts
you will be notified and you will be friends.
to their profile where you can add them as a friend.
for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Blogger, Tumblr, and Reddit.
if you don't share it'll be seltzer in your face!
All clowns who have joined our movement are listed there.
you spread your Love in the second option: just enter several key words separated
by commas. For instance, by entering volunteering, seniors, and eat tacos,
you will find other clowns who like to eat tacos with seniors while volunteering.
1) A general "search this site" option,
2) The same method of searching for clowns who spread their Love in similar ways
to the ways you share your Love mentioned above,
3) A third method that searches for categories and tags. However, be warned:
Micko doesn't understand categories and tags very much and it is uncertain if this
method of searching will work smoothly. Micko believes that clowns coming to
this site will understand categories and tags more than Micko does, and wants
you to go to the forum topic on searching and help Micko understand.
"closed troupes"-the troupes make this decision. You can leave a group
here if you want anytime.
troupe! How about that!
specific action projects to spread your Love! This option provides a nice, simple
structure to plan and organize a troupe action project, including setting time frames
for tasks, who is assigned to tasks, etc. This can be especially valuable if you are
working with young clowns and want to help them learn to plan, follow through,
problem solve, take personal responsibility, experience creative autonomy,
collaborate with other clowns etc. You can create as many projects as you want.
Micko encourages you to share your project with other clowns on our site on our
"Clowns spreading their love" stream. You can do this directly from your personal
profile or on Main menu: Clowns spreading their love/Submit to Clowns spreading
their Love.
You can also share your projects on a different tab on your troupe profile: "Ways
our troupe shares our Love". This option allows you to upload a variety of documents
to your troupe profile. For instance, you can upload pics of your troupe
project and in the "description" field you can describe what your project is about,
who is involved, etc. You can even copy and paste from a separate document!
newsletters giving updates about the growth of the Clowns for Peace
Movement, etc. The newsletters will be shown from the main menu, under
"Newsletters". If you have suggestions as to what you would like to see
in the newsletters let me know.
All clowns who have joined our movement are listed there.
to be your friend you will be notified and you will be friends.
them a public or private message.
clowns who share your interest. For instance, by entering tacos, yoga, and quantum
physics you will find other clowns who share these interests with you.
Clowns for Peace Store
All items show an original Clowns for Peace design. All shirts are Gildan products. Of course we offer all shirts and mugs with our Clowns for Peace logo, featuring Micko and Micko's trusty doggie friend, BowWow. We are very proud of our series of designs commemorating the many essential workers who have been risking their lives across our planet during this pandemic. Great gifts for essential workers! We also have a series of shirts featuring clown wisdom from Professor ZoZo. And for you sport-minded clowns we have a series of sport-related designs. We hope you find something you like! Micko and BowWow In our store we offer a variety of items for you clowns: t-shirts, sweatshirts, tanktops, and hoodies, as well as nice ceramic mugs.
Let’s do some research, clowns!
Hey clowns, how would you like to be part of research about our Clowns for Peace Movement? If you would, join the group "Research subject wannabes". Researchers will be asked to only contact members of this group to find Any research that is done will not involve this site per se., it will be between you and Good luck! Hey clowns reseachers, how would you like to do research about our Clowns for Peace Movement? If you would, check out the group "Research subject wannabes" for clowns who are Please only contact members of this group to find subjects for their research. Any research you do should not involve clownsforpeace.org, other Good luck! No research has been done about our Clowns for Peace Movement at this time.
subjects for their research.
the researcher(s) to work out agreements and doing the research.
interested in being a subject in research.
than helping you make contact with your subjects.
Experiencing a glitch, clown? Ask support troupe for help!
Micko wants to allow clowns who have learned to navigate this site help Clowns who want to become helpers please join the troupe The Geek Troupe. Clowns who want help, please go to the forum "Need help clown?", in the BowWow is constantly after Micko to make this site easy to navigate. So here are a few tips: Check the main menu to see major things on the site. Go to the "Search this site" submenu, under "Welcome Clowns", and enter If you are still having some sort of glitch, go to the Clown Forum and find the forum
other clowns who are having difficulties.
You can find the troupe on the menu under Clown Nation/Clown Troupes. Click
"join this troupe" to join. Micko appreciated your help!
Clown Forum (main menu) and create a new topic that explains your issue.
what you are searching for.
"Need help Clown?" create a new topic that describes your issue.
Want to help Micko improve this site clown?
Hey Clowns This page is for those of you who want to help make this site better! Micko has posted topics asking for your suggestions in the Clowns If a clown needs help please try to help. If a clown is frustrated with navigating If a clown is experiencing a glitch, please help them out or ask them If you are pretty comfortable navigating this site and you like helping other In the spirit of keeping this site positive, we ask that you let Micko know about Micko and BowWow really appreciate your help, Clowns!
There are several ways you can help Micko. Micko needs help because
Micko is kind of a bumbler and makes lots of mistakes.
Forum in the main menu. Anyone can join discussion!
If you don’t engage it’ll be seltzer down your pants!
the site please tell the clown about the “Search this site” submenu,
under “About this site” on the main menu.
to create a topic in the Clowns Forum “Need help Clown?”.
clowns, please join the group “The Geek Troupe”. Clowns who join this group
will be working with Micko to help other clowns.
any significant negativity you see in other clowns. If a clown is being downright
negative, please ask them to be positive, as that is the spirit of the site. Or you
can “flag” the clowns behavior in various ways–when you click the “flag” button
Micko will be notified and check things out. Micko and BowWow will give this
clown lots of hugs and kisses and the clown will then be more loving.
Want a unique avatar for your profile pic?
Micko drew zillions of clown avatars for you to pick from! You can pick from several categories of avatars: bald clowns, You can pick from different color schemes as well! That Micko Ok, we can do that. Go to https://robohash.org/?ref=producthunt. Find the place to enter your text...like you clown name, but any text works. Enter your text, hit enter, and it will show you a unique robot pic. You can do this until you find one you really like. This is so cool! Then right click and save the pic to your computer. You may need to crop it. Then go to your profile and upload your new robot avatar!
frizzy haired clowns, redheaded clowns, blondies, clowns with
brown or grey hair, clowns with different color skin, clowns with
different eyes, and clowns with different smiles or no smiles.
is such a caring clown, Micko really wants you to enjoy this site!So, clown, you'd like a robot avatar more than a clown avatar?
Activity Stream
What's going on clown? Check out the Clowns for Peace Activity Stream! Micko
The Geek Troupe
Hey Clowns... Are you pretty good at learning how to navigate social sites Do you like to help other clowns? Please join the Troupe "The Geek Troupe" so you can work with Micko You will be supplied with pies and seltzer for your work helping Thanks so much! Micko
like Clowns for Peace?
to help other clowns who are having difficulty.
other clowns!