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About this site

Hey clowns, we now have 17 members, why not join?

This is a social networking website for us clowns that buy into the notion that we can
make our world better and in the process of creating a better world be happier. This is Synergy.

Micko believes that we can create a world of Peace and Love over the upcoming generations.

So this site includes the standard social networking things like personal profiles, messaging, friends, creating or joining groups, engaging in forums, sharing to social media, a stream of “Clowns spreading their Love” posts by you and other clowns, and other goofy stuff.

Several parts of this site are in “To be continued mode” and will be added to on an ongoing basis:

This site is a work-in-progress and Micko wants your help! Check out the menu tab “Help make this
site better” for ways you can help Micko!   Micko is kind of a bumbler and really does need your help!

To learn more about different things on the site click the panels below, or it’ll be a pie in the face for you!.


Clowns spreading our Love


Clown antics–Let’s have some fun!


Clowning around network


Clowns for Peace Store


Let’s do some research, clowns!


Experiencing a glitch, clown? Ask support troupe for help!


Want to help Micko improve this site clown?


Want a unique avatar for your profile pic?


Activity Stream


The Geek Troupe
