Hey Clowns!
You have arrived at the Clowns for Peace Forums!
This is where we can discuss any topic related to our Clowns for Peace Movement and our efforts to create a better world…
And this is where Micko wants feedback to make this site better!
And especially let’s talk about this Flow of Love stuff…. you know…a trickle….Full Love Flow…or preventing Love Flow…and don’t forget Lovesight!
Feel free to join in any conversation or create your own new topic for discussion!
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The first 4 forums are for different roles in creating a world of Love: Teen clowns, parents, teachers, and regular clowns.
The next 6 forums are about different experiences you may have had or might have related to your Love Flow.
The next 3 forums are about helping Micko build this site, offering support on the site, and offering Micko help related to WordPress.
The last forum is about the “Flow of Love” Meme and whether or not it makes sense or is Micko way off base?
- Forum
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How have your Love Experiments gone?
This is where each of you can talk about your Love Experiments. What have you tried? What positive results did you get? Any recommendations for other clowns? Please post a new topic to start a discussion about a specific Love Experiment! Micko
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
Quantum changes
Quantum changes are experiences some clowns have that change their way of perceiving themselves, others, and their world. It is thought there are two types of quantum change but they overlap. One type is called Insightful quantum change and as you would think this type involves some sort of new insight. The other type is called Mystical quantum change and is often referred to having an epithany.
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
Teen Clowns
Yo, teen clowns! Yes, Micko knows you already know everything, but Micko wants to point out some things any way. Believe it or not, you are going to know even more in your upcoming years! This is because of your amazing clown brain that is not yet fully developed! It is still growing and developing even as you read these words! Your brain is still flexible and has the ability to "think outside the box" and imagine all sorts of wonderful things. Micko wants you to open your mind to this "Love Flow" stuff because it is what will allow us to create a world of Love and Peace. And you are the key to creating a world of Love and Peace due to your emerging potential!
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
Hey Parents! Thanks for taking some of your valuable time to check out this site! As a parent, you have the most important job in Clown Nation because you have the most influence on your young clown's growth process. Young clowns will eventually play the most important role as we create a world of Love and Peace, and therefore parents will have an enormously important role due to the influence you have on your young clowns. As you know, young clown brains are like sponges: they will soak up whatever experiences they have as they grow up. If you help them understand and guide their own Love Flow you will be helping them become happy, confident, and Loving adult clowns!
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
Hey teachers and educators! Thanks for taking some of your valuable time to check out this site! As a parent, you have the second most important job in Clown Nation because you have an enormous influence on your young clown's growth process. Young clowns will eventually play the most important role as we create a world of Love and Peace, and therefore teachers and educators will have an important role due to the influence you have on your young clowns as they continue to grow from childhood to becoming an adult. As you know, young clown brains are like sponges: they will soak up whatever experiences they have as they grow up. If you help them understand and guide their own Love Flow you will be helping them become happy, confident, and Loving adult clowns!
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
All Clowns
Hey clowns! Even if you are not a young clown, a parent, a caregiver, a teacher or educator, you can play an important role as we create a world of Love and Peace. First, you can work at increasing your Love Flow, for instance by trying some Love Experiments. You can also have an impact on other clowns by how you present youself in the world. Do you present a positive or negative persona? Other clowns will see how you are and will be affected by either your positivity or your negativity. Especially young clowns will see how you are and that perception will go into their overall view of their world. The more positivity a young clown perceives the more that young clown will develop a positive world view! And the more young clowns that develop a positive world view the more positive our world will actually be, and the better chance we have of creating a world of Love and Peace! Young clowns will eventually play the most important role as we create a world of Love and Peace, because young clown brains are like sponges: they will soak up whatever experiences they have as they grow up. By role modelling positivity you help them adopt a loving, positive view of the world.
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel) coined the term "Mindsight" to refer to a clown's ability to look inward at the inner working of the clown's mind and also to look inward at the inner workings of other clowns' minds. Specific aspects of inner workings include thoughts, feelings, memories, intentions, perceptions, attitudes, dreams, hopes, and expectations.
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Micko coined the term "Lovesight" to refer to a clown's perception of the inner workings of their mind of other clowns' minds that relate to the Flow of Love. Micko sees Lovesight as a specific focus within the broader concept of Mindsight as presented by FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel). Micko sees Lovesight as the ability to see one's or another clown's caring, empathy, compassion, wanting to share, wanting to help, one's feelings after helping, etc. But Micko also sees Lovesight as seeing one's or another clown's failure to allow Love to Flow, such as making judgments about other clowns or engaging in We-Them behavior.
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
Peak experiences
The clown BeingLove (Abraham Maslow) did research in which he asked people to describe the most wonderful experience or experiences of their life...the happiest moments, ecstatic moments, moments of rapture, maybe from being in love, or from listening to music or viewing a painting, or from some great creative moment. Then he asked them how they felt different from the way they felt at other times, how they were a different person in some ways. Micko would like you to answer those questions in this forum. Micko believes peak experiences are human potential emerging in people's lives and wants to know if you have had any of these emergent experiences.
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
Micro-moments of connection (Love)
The clown LoveBlossoms (Barbara Fredrickson) says that the highest form of Love clowns can feel is when they "connect" with another clown. These connections can happen between two clowns on a plane or at a pie-throwing contest if they share positivity, listen to each other, and start caring about each other. LoveBlossoms also says that during these experiences the clowns of the two clowns sync up, and become coupled. LoveBlossoms calls these experiences micro-moments of connection or Love, and suggests that we seek more of these experiences. Micko would like to hear about any experiences you have had that you would consider a micro-moment of connectin or Love.
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
Feeling Felt
FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel) talks about how a clown can "feel felt" when the clown thinks that another clown feels their feelings. FlowingLove believes this is one of the most important aspects of a close and supportive relationship. Micko would like hear about any times in your life you "felt felt" by another clown.
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
Feeling part of something larger
Over many years different clowns have talked about "feeling part of something larger". FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel) talks about adopting an integrated identity: MWe....in which We-Them identities are disolved. BeingLove (Abraham Maslow) talked about healthy clowns having this type of integrated identity. And one clown stated that many of the happiest moments clowns experience are related to "feeling part of something larger"' What experiences have you had in which you "feel part of something larger"?
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
Help build this site!
Hey clowns! Micko wants your help to create a cool website! Micko will be posting specific topics in this forum, and you are welcome to create new topics about things you really like, don't like, things that work well or don't work well, etc. Micko wants to thank you so much that if you help him
you will get lots of free ice cream! - 6
- 1 year, 11 months ago
Clowns for Peace Support Forum
This forum is for clowns who want help navigating the site and clowns who want to help others on the site. If you want help please start a new topic. If you can help, please help others! When we reach a billion members on the site Micko won't be able to help all clowns who want help. Micko
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
WordPress Geeks
This forum is for clowns who are very knowledgeable about WordPress and want to help Micko with the technical aspects of this site. Micko will ask questions and you are welcome to make suggestions if you have them.
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“The Flow of Love” Meme
As Micko studied clown potential over many years things emerged over time. One of the things that emerged was this idea "The Flow of Love". Physicists and some spiritual people talk about "energy" and "energy fields". Micko still doesn't understand this stuff but Micko is trying to understand it. FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel) talks about "the flow of energy and information". Micko doesn't really understand this either. But at some point the idea of "The Flow of LOve" emerged and Micko thought maybe this made some sense. The more Micko thought about it the more Micko thought that it did make sense in terms of the caring, sharing, and helping that clowns sometimes manifest in our lives. Micko thinks it definitely fits with LoveBlosson's idea of micro-moments of connection (Love). And Micko thinks it fits somehow with Micko's ideas about Upward Spirals. But Micko is still somewhat confused...what about all this quantum stuff? So Micko wants to hear from smart clowns about what they think about all of this.
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
Making judgments
You know, clowns, making judgements are one of the barriers that can prevent Full Love Flow. Let's talk about judgements so we can understand them better and avoid the ones that prevent our Love Flow.
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
We-them behavior
Listen up clowns, Micko thinks that the biggest barrier to our Full Flow of Love is We-them thinking and behavior. For instance, when we start thinking that our troupe is better than other troupes, or that our beliefs and customs are better than theirs, or that we are more truly clowns than they are. Or, even worse, when our troupe discriminates against other troupes or harms them in any way. Miko thinks that If we really want to create a word of Love we need to look inward and replace this type of ideas with ideas about Love and understanding. Let's talk about our own personal beliefs and behavior regarding this issue.
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- 1 year, 10 months ago
How have your Love Experiments gone?