Home » Create your own clown name

Create your own clown name

Why don’t you create your own clown name for this site?
-Make a name up!
-Use your favorite flower name, animal, animal name, fantasy animal, sci-fi character
-Find clown names on the Internet
-Use stupid adjectives like Happy, Goofy,
-Use hokey positive terms like Peace, Love, Happy, Loving, Flowing
-Combine any of the above!

This link has a ton of great ideas to get your clown brain working:
http://www.clown-forum.com/threads/choosing-a-clown-name.3099/This site is not working 12/22

You could also check out:



Have fun with this and find a great and unique Clown name for yourself!

To change your Clown name go to your profile in the Howdy drop down
at top right of your screen, click edit, change name, and click submit.


