Home » Create your own clown pic (avatar)

Create your own clown pic (avatar)

Put some red paint or lipstick or ketchup on your nose.

Face-paint your whole face!  You can buy clown makeup or you can
borrow some of your parents’ makeup. There are paints online and
videos online to show you how to do this.
Don’t tell your parents Micko told you to use their makeup!

Put on some goofy hair, like an old stringy mop or pom poms.

You could buy some pom poms…
or you could buy a clown wig, nose, big bow tie and white gloves

Then put on a goofy hat.

Very important: remember to put on a goofy smile!

Come up with your own creative ideas!

Then take a pic of yourself and upload it to your profile.

Another approach would be go to one of these online sites that make your
photo look like a clown:
Have fun!
Micko and BowWow







