Evolution of the “Flow of Love” explained in 10 easy steps
Not a believer yet? Let’s see what Love you already have flowing through you:
Mentally check the boxes that apply to you.
[] I love myself [] I love my familySee, you already have significant Love Flow!
What boxes did you check?
What boxes didn’t you check? Why didn’t you?
Which item has the strongest Love Flow?
Which item has the weakest Love Flow?
In which items might you want to strengthen the Love Flow?
Any other comments about your Love Flow or Love Flow in general?
Image: dinosaurs, goofy, dogs butts.
Early Caveclown caring, empathy, helping
Can you think of another example of animals showing Love Flow?
LoveBlossoms talks about a situation in which one clown falls in a lake, then another clown jumps in to save the other clown. The first clown can feel relief inside and thankfulness and gratitude toward the other clown, and the other clown can feel pride and a feeling of connection with the other clown. And a clown that witnesses this can feel elevated and uplifted and more likely to help in the future.. All three clowns can feel good feelings abut adding Love to the Flow of LOve in the world.
3 comment boxes; a time when you suddenly felt good about yourself, connected with another clown, part of a much larger world…