Clown troupes

Clowns in our movement are creating their own groups on this site.

Or, actually, they are creating their own “clown troupes”.

Troupe creators can determine the settings of their troupe.

You are welcome to join “open troupes”, but you won’t be able to join
“closed troupes”-the troupes make this decision. You can leave a group
here if you want anytime.

BUT…you can create your own troupe and determine the settings of your
troupe! How about that!

Don’t be shy! Start a clown troupe!

On your troupe profile you will see a tab “Projects”. You and your troupe can create
specific action projects to spread your Love!
This option provides a nice, simple
structure to plan and organize a troupe action project,
including setting time frames
for tasks, who is assigned to tasks, etc. This can be
especially valuable if you are
working with young clowns and want to help them
learn to plan, follow through,
problem solve, take personal responsibility, experience
creative autonomy,
collaborate with other clowns etc.
You can create as many projects as you want. 
     Micko encourages you to share your project with other clowns on our site on our
“Clowns spreading their love” stream. You can do this directly from your personal
profile or on Main menu: Clowns spreading their love/Submit to Clowns spreading
their Love.
You can also share your projects on a different tab on your troupe profile: “Ways
our troupe shares our Love”. This option allows you to upload a variety of documents
to your troupe profile. For instance, you can upload pics of your troupe
project and in the “description” field you can describe what your project is about,
who is involved, etc. You can even copy and paste from a separate document!

Micko and BowWow
