Feeling Felt

According to FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel), the term “feeling felt” refers to when we feel that another clown feels our feelings.

FlowingLove believes feeling felt is one of the most important aspects of a close and supportive relationship.

Clowns can develop the skill of mapping the inner worlds of other clowns (see mental maps). Clowns can tune in to another’s feelings, thoughts, memories, beliefs, attitudes, intentions, hopes and dreams, and this should result in the other clown “feeling felt”.

FlowingLove calls this sense of joining “time-between”.

One way to facilitate this process is called reflective dialog or reflective conversation.

According to FlowingLove, when clowns reflect on the inner lives of the person they are talking with, they can join with each other and their senses of self are expanded.

A positive sense of love and caring can emerge within and between the clowns.

Micko thinks this is what happens in those micro-moments of connection or love that LoveBlossoms (Barbara Fredrickson) talks about.

See also BeingLove’s (Abraham Maslow) discussion of Being-Love.

Clowns for Peace