

Clown Name


About me

My location on our beautiful planet Earth. (Optional)

northern New York, adirondack mountains



Other info or comments

I would like to participate in research projects.


Ways I share my Love

Ways I spread my Love for myself. (Optional)

I eat healthy, I exercise, I meditate, or do a gratitude routine, engage in mindfulness, or practice Loving Kindness, or other such routines., I try not to be too hard on myself, for instance if I make mistakes or don't meet my own standards, I get at least 7 hours of sleep, I try to assert myself in positive ways, Other_____________________________________________

Ways I spread my Love with others. (Optional)

I am nice to others, I sometimes share with others, I like to help others, I do volunteer work, I have a job in which I help people, I donate money to good causes, I am tolerant of different ways of being., I am patient with others who keep me waiting., I recycle., I believe in protecting our planet.

Ways I spread my Love with our world. (Optional)

I believe we are all equal., I try to eliminate any prejudice I see in my attitudes., I believe we should all be free., I believe we should all be happy., I am an activist., I believe we should work towards a world of Synergy (All Win), Other____________________________________________________________________