Micko’s favorite clowns helping others videos

Micko's favorite vids of clowns sharing their Love!
Hey clowns! Here is another of Micko's favorite videos of clowns helping others and sharing their Love. Check this out https://youtu.be/1JlqrXqKKRs


  1. Anonymous says:

    Cool. I am among 10,000 globally working for peace. We organize at telegram app. UNN and CARE are some of our groups. https://www.unitednetwork.news

    I’m a Field Messenger Reporter for them and I might like to do a story on your interesting project, also for peace!

    As a vegetarian, I say for peace for animals too!

    • Micko says:

      Hi, I just realized you commented…I thought I’d set it up to be notified about comments. I’ll fix that.

      I’d love to talk with you more about what you do and about a story!

      As you probably figured out the site is still a work in progress!

      My email is micko@roadrunner.com


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Clowns for Peace