Role modeling

According to FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel) infant clowns, from the first days of life, perceive the environment around them and develop memories of these experiences. This memory process is not conscious, it is unconscious and is called implicit memory. 

With repeated experiences, an infant clown’s brain is able to detect similarities and differences across experiences and then make generalized representations from these repeated experiences. These generalizations form “mental maps” of the infant clown’s world, which are the essence of all learning.

Micko believes that this implicit memory process becomes important in determining how an infant clown creates mental maps about Love. For instance, an infant clown makes mental maps about relationships with parents and siblings. Hopefully, these memories are filled with a multitude of positive, caring, loving feelings and sensations.

But the infant clown also forms mental models about a wide variety of interactions between clowns, which are primarily formed by perceiving the way their parents interact with other clowns. Do the parents act in a friendly, caring, Loving way with others? Or are they unfriendly, rude, antagonistic, or even hateful toward other clowns?

Micko and many other clowns feel it is extremely important for parents to always be as positive as possible in front of their young clowns because young clowns tend to adopt the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of their parents. There is an old clown saying “The carrot doesn’t fall far from the tree”.

If parents behave in Loving ways, either showing a trickle or full flow of Love, their young clowns will tend to adopt those behaviors.

But if parents behave in ways that prevent their Love from flowing their young clowns will tend to adopt those behaviors.

Here are some links for more information:

Clowns for Peace