Sifting the mind

SIFTing the mind.

This exercise, presented by FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel) involves looking inward to see what’s there. Remember, the inner workings of clown minds (mindsight)  can involve feelings, thoughts, perceptions, memories, images, sensations, intentions, attitudes, beliefs, hopes, dreams, and desires.

But this exercise focuses on only 4 things: sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts.

And it is presented as an anacronym:
SIFT, which should help clowns remember it:
Sensations “What sensations am I feeling”
Images “What images do I see”?
Feelings “What feelings am I feeling”?
Thoughts “What thoughts am I having”?

Clowns could make a mental map to help this process by drawing an outline of a clown head, viewed from the side, then either writing or drawing things inside the head to illustrate what the clown sees inside their mind.

Feel free to create your own way of processing what you see inside your mind, or to help your young clowns process what they see inside.

And remember: you can use whatever exercises you like to explore, or help young clowns explore other inner things such as perceptions, memories, intentions, attitudes, beliefs, hopes, dreams, and desires.


Clowns for Peace