
FlowingLove says that Mindsight allows clowns to look inside and understand the inner workings of their minds and the minds of others.

Micko says that LoveSight is a special type of MindSight: It is understanding the Flow of Love within us and between us. For information go to Love Flow Introduction.

Micko says our Love can be manifested in a wide variety of situations that involve clowns caring and having compassion for themselves, or other clowns, for other beings, and  for the world. 

In the illustrations below we see some of the ways we can understand our Flow of Love and some of the ways we can not see our potential Flow of Love.

LoveSight-Understanding  the Flow of Love within us and between us.

FlowingLove says that Mindsight allows clowns to see our minds as embodied and relational processes that can monitor, regulate, shape, and modify the flow of energy and information.” 

Micko says that LoveSight is a special type of MindSight that allow us clowns to understand the Flow of Love within us and can involve monitoring, regulating, shaping, and modifying the flow of Love.

 Without Lovesight

With Lovesight

Lovesight with intervention



Forming judgments/not forming judgments.

Missing opportunities/
grabbing opportunities when they occur.

Me-them thinking or Us-them thinking/ Me and We thinking or Us and Them or All of us together thinking

Stranger smiles at you

Stranger makes eye contact with you

Stranger starts a conversation with you

Stranger squirts seltzer down your pants

In the same way that Mindsight changes the physical structure of our brains as we grow new connections,  Lovesight changes the physical structure of our brains as we grow new connections related to empathy, caring, compassion, camaraderie, connection and of course Love.

Clowns for Peace