Please note: This site is still in development.
Hey parents, you are the key to creating a world of Peace and Love.
Well, actually young clowns are the key, but as parents, you come in a close second.
This is because you have more influence over your young clowns than any other group, except for those social media clowns, of course.
You may be wondering what Micko means about the Flow of Love. For Micko, Love Flow happens every time a clown feels empathy for others, cares about others, feels positive connections with others or feels compassion for others and tries to help them.
You have the potential to help your young clowns understand and guide their Love Flow, which over many generations will create a world of Love and Peace.
How open-minded are you? Are you willing to open to the possibility that you could play an important role in this process?
Mentally check the right box:
[] No, I’d rather play games on my phone.[] Yes, tell me more about what I can do.You may be doing things in your home that focus on the Flow of Love, or you may see examples of caring, empathy, being nice, making friends, or compassion and helping…please share it here so we can start a discussion!
In the section The Flow of Love Micko explains that Love flows like water in a garden hose—it can be prevented from flowing, it can flow a trickle, or it can flow full force,
And Micko also suggests there are three kinnds of Love: Self-Love, Other-Love, and World-Love.
Why are young clowns the key to World peace and Love?
As you already know, young clowns soak up information like sponges soak up liquids. Sponges don’t care what the liquid is, if it’s a liquid the sponge will soak it up.
Same thing with young clowns—their brains will soak up whatever information we present to them. Different languages, different customs, different world views, different beliefs about the correct way to put toilet paper in the holder—doesn’t matter, their young clown brains will soak up that information.
In fact, Micko believes that empowering our younger clowns to understand the flow of Love within themselves and between them and other clowns and the world is the most important thing parents, teachers, and the rest of us can do to create World Peace.
Micko says it’s so simple: All we have to do is help our younger clowns learn to spread their love.
Every interaction with another clown has is a chance to increase our own Love Flow, the Love Flow of others, and the Love Flow of the World.
Micko believes that if we do this they will become more loving toward themselves and to others, and it will make them healthier and make the world more harmonious.
In the illustration below you see a young clown brain that HAS absorbed information about the Flow of LOve.
Self-Love Experiments
Other-Love Experiments
World-Love Experiments
-Laughing yoga
-Chair yoga
-Eliminate negative thinking with positive thinking/dispute
-Personal growth activities
-Fun activities
-Healthy nutrition
-Positive self-affirmations
-Loving-kindness towards Self
-Cultivating optimism
-Acts of kindness/cultivate kindness
-Nurturing social relationships
-Strategies for coping
-Making amends
-Increasing Flow activities
-Savoring Joy
-Committed goal pursuit
-Create high quality connections
-Visualize your future
-Joy portfolio, others
Become non-judgmental
Loving-kindness toward Others
Start a conversation with stranger
Open to possibilities
Loving-kindness towards the World
Open discussions
Become non-judgmental
Hey clowns, even if you are not a parent , teacher, or caregiver, how yoiu share your Love, or how you don’t share your Love, will affect other clowns…especially young clowns This is called role modeling.
It’s also related to quantum physics. Micko read something about the universe being a massive field of energy except when a clown observes something in the universe…then that ‘something’ appears in some form that we call reality.
So you can see how important it is that you are in touch with how you share your Love because when other clowns observe you, you will magically appear and become part of the other clowns’ universe!
So, to evaluate how well you role model mentally check the boxes that apply to you.
[] I smile to strangers. [] I look strangers in the eye when I smile at them.What boxes did you check? What boxes didn’t you check?
Hey parents, how you share your Love, or how you don’t share your Love will affect other clowns…especially young clowns This is called role modeling.
It’s also related to quantum physics. Micko read something about the universe being a massive field of energy except when a clown observes something in the universe…then that ‘something’ appears in some form that we call reality.
So you can see how important it is that you are in touch with how you share your Love because when other clowns observe you, you will magically appear and become part of the other clowns’ universe!
So, to evaluate how well you role model mentally check the boxes that apply to you.
[] I smile to strangers. [] I look strangers in the eye.What boxes did you check? What boxes didn’t you check?