Please note: This site is still in development.
Hey young clowns, this page is all about your tremendous potential!
Micko gets that you already know everything.
But Micko also knows that your brain hasn’t yet finished developing.
One clown psychologist, FlowingLove (Daniel Siegel), believes that young clowns will be the key to solving the big problems we face in clown nation. FlowingLove says that young clowns can approach old problems in new ways and maybe save our planet.
According to FlowingLove, one of the neat things about your growing young brain is that you are learning “divergent thinking”, which means “thinking outside the box”. In the illustration we see FragrantPeach solving a stopped-up toilet problem using divergent thinking.
You see, your brain is like a sponge (see illustration)….it wants to keep on absorbing new things like juggling, pie-throwing, seltzer squirting, quantum physics, cosmic spirals, how to get rid of acne, how to kiss, and many other important things. Neuroscientists say your brain won’t be fully developed until age 24.
So what do you say? Are willing to explore your potential and help solve the world’s problems?
Great answer!
If you want to learn more about your developing brain go here .
For those of you who just want to waste your life reading comic books, you can read a story Micko created about a young clown super-hero with special powers taking on the sinister young villain The Mischief Wizard. Go here.
If you are sick and tired of all the “information” your teachers (and MIcko) throws at you, check out all the Love Experiments below to increase your Love Flow.
Love Experiments
Self-Love Experiments
Other-Love Experiments
World-Love Experiments
-Laughing yoga
-Chair yoga
-Eliminate negative thinking with positive thinking/dispute
-Personal growth activities
-Fun activities
Become non-judgmental
Loving-kindness toward Others
Start a conversation with stranger
Open to possibilities
Loving-kindness towards the World
Open discussions
Become non-judgmental
Below are some more Self-LoveLove Experiments, clowns!
-Healthy nutrition
-Positive self-affirmations
-Loving-kindness towards Self
-Cultivating optimism
-Acts of kindness/cultivate kindness
-Nurturing social relationships
-Strategies for coping
-Making amends
-Increasing Flow activities
-Savoring Joy
-Committed goal pursuit
-Create high quality connections
-Visualize your future
-Joy portfolio, others
Can you…